Category Archives: News
Source: ZD Net Readability, a company that had a big problem with Apple’s in-app purchase requirements, has relaunched its iOS services as an HTML5 app. Rest assured others will follow. While the Readability move is positioned as a move because of Apple’s requirements, the bottom line here is that developers want to write once and put apps everywhere. HTML 5 is the most expedient way to reach that goal. Let’s face it: As mobile browsers improve and HTML 5 becomes[...] Continue Reading
Source: CNet The proposal marks an important change at Adobe, one toward increasing engagement with Web technologies. The company continues to try to keep its Flash Player in the online programming vanguard, most recently with yesterday’s Flash Player 10.3 beta and last week’s Flash Player 11 preview. But it’s also contributing both to the WebKit browser engine, via a partnership with Chrome developer Google, and to the mobile version of the jQuery project for conveniently packaged JavaScript libraries that make[...] Continue Reading