Category Archives: Articles
Source: Marketing Renaissance If you know the basic format and proven techniques that are incorporated into every successful advertisement, writing a good print ad is not difficult. ADVERTISING COPY The first step in creating a good advertisement is to establish the appeal – the reason the reader will buy, or request more information. The four main appeals are; sex, which includes love, affection and friendship; greed, things money can buy; fear, fear of not getting what you want, or losing[...] Continue Reading
Source: Just Creative Design In this article I will guide you through the design process of creating a creative billboard campaign for a University project of mine with some tips along the way. Tips For Outdoor Advertising Before I get into the design process of the campaign I will share with you some tips I learnt during my research of designing for outdoor advertising. Product Identification – Your message / product should register quickly. Short Copy – Your message should[...] Continue Reading