Category Archives: Articles
Google+ Introduces Communities ‘Google+ is supposedly the fastest growing social media network on the web‘, says, you guessed it… Google! But, I do agree. The dark days of Google+ are slowly fading. The sun is starting to peak through the clouds. Not many people use Google+ regularly, but the geeks at Google are once again doing their best to entice you. So, lucky us, Google has decided to add Google+ Communities. Let’s see what all the hype is about shall[...] Continue Reading
Don’t Fear the Penguin As an SEO Director that has embraced social media, I urge SEO experts to not fear Google Penguin. Embrace it. Hug the Penguin. Let me explain why… Google Penguin plans to give content creators a fair shake. That’s really it. So, why should that be something to be bummed about? It should not. Search engines like Google and Bing should spit out the best results when you search for a keyword. It shouldn’t come down to[...] Continue Reading
How Linkedin Can Help Your Business When we talk about advertising online, we usually stick to Google Adwords, Facebook, You Tube and Bing. I have not touched on Twitter’s ‘Sponsored Tweets’ yet, but I will in the weeks to come. Today I’d like to focus on the business networking site we all know as Linkedin. How in the world can Linkedin help your business online minus branding, portfolio and just another organic seo result? Let’s break it down… Linkedin Advertising[...] Continue Reading
By Now, you have heard all the internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization lingo. You know about ‘keywords’ and ‘meta-tags”. Maybe you even understand ‘pagerank’ or ‘link authority’. You have become somewhat familiar with where your practice website ranks on the major search engines, and how your competition is doing. You know you need to be at the top of the search engines – as that is where your patient’s find you. When it comes to SEO, you consider[...] Continue Reading
How Users Are Affected By the World of Mobile Search It’s an age when more people think of a smartphone instead of an edible fruit from the Rosaceae family when they hear the word “blackberry.” It’s an age when people spend more time chatting with their friends on mobile social networking sites rather than in person. It’s an age when mobile technology has moved beyond geek-speak and into world conquering mode. From spying on their high school exes on Facebook[...] Continue Reading
SEO experts are kept on their toes every time Google, the search giant tweaks the knobs of its search algorithms. This was especially evident in the latter part of 2010 when Google made sweeping changes on factors affecting search results. One in particular wherein relevancy of search results shifted to becoming local and more personalized. In the world of search things don’t stand still very long and 2011 won’t be an exception. So as the saying goes, “The pessimist complains[...] Continue Reading
There is no point in building a website unless there are visitors coming in. A major source of traffic for most sites on the Internet is search engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Altavista and so on. Hence, by designing a search engine friendly site, you will be able to rank easily in search engines and obtain more visitors. Major search engines use programs called crawlers or robots to index websites to list on their search result pages. They follow links[...] Continue Reading