Category Archives: Incredible Marketing News
For most business professionals, there was no course on digital marketing or web maintenance during the onboarding in HR, so there’s no reason to expect you to understand all the data and graphs you’ll get from Google and your incredible marketing team. Let’s do a quick review of how to interpret the many variables of your web traffic, courtesy of Google Analytics. Traffic The most important numbers you’ll pour over are those from Google Analytics regarding your web traffic[...] Continue Reading
Producing quality content on your blog or website is a key pillar of internet marketing and something we champion all the time. Now that we’re in a new year, let’s take a look at 5 key cornerstones for appealing to readers and growing your audience. Provide a Beautiful Reading Experience Design says a lot about the quality of a site. Much like the clothes you wear, the visual presentation of your blog will speak volumes to newcomers before they even[...] Continue Reading
What to Post on Your Business’s Facebook Page Great so you’ve joined the modern age and made a Facebook page for your business! Congratulations, you savvy web kitten, you. But now comes the hard part. WTF do you post on there?! Facebook for business is quite a bit different from Facebook for personal use. Your potential customers and fans of your brand will want to see quality, relevant content that makes them excited to be associated with you. Social media[...] Continue Reading
Microdata Google is going to be pushing a lot of focus in 2014 on ‘rich snippets’. “Snippets—the few lines of text that appear under every search result—are designed to give users a sense for what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their query. If Google understands the content on your pages, we can create rich snippets—detailed information intended to help users with specific queries” – via Google. Do you have rich snippets and schema mark-up for your name?[...] Continue Reading
Over the next few days, you will notice your Google+ Page looking quite a bit different. There are a number of reasons Google is doing this. First and foremost, Google wants the Plus Pages to be consistent across all devices, large and small. These changes make the flow much more cohesive, no matter what device you are using. Your Google+ Page can now have 1, 2 or 3 columns to it, with the emphasis being on larger sized media content[...] Continue Reading
Navigating the world of online marketing today can be challenging and a daunting task. With so many social media network choices, Google’s constant algorithm changes, and different marketing options available, how do you know what is right for your business, and which tools will help you reach new patients and accomplish your goals? Recently, I was interviewed and featured in THE Aesthetic Guide 2014 May/June Issue in the article Strategic Combination of Media Tools Proves Vital to Practice Survival, where[...] Continue Reading
Have you noticed a DECLINE in the reach your Facebook Page posts are receiving? This is due to some updates that Facebook has made to their Edgerank Algorithm. What is it? According to Facebook, “The News Feed algorithm uses several factors to determine top stories, including the number of comments, who posted the story, and what kind of story it is (ex: photo, video, status update).” Facebook looks at about 100,000 highly personalized factors when determining what is shown. Here[...] Continue Reading
Find the Meta Keyword Tag and stuff it full of keywords, dozens of them, and be sure to put them in every page of your site. This will certainly get you to Page #1 of Google, Bing & Yahoo, right? Yeah, if it was 2006…the fact is, keywords and the Meta Keyword Tag are a thing of the past. Using them not only brings no benefit to speak of, they can actually now hurt your website rankings. Google’s own Matt[...] Continue Reading
Ask yourself these questions. It may be time to ENERGIZE your marketing! 1.) Do you have an online marketing strategy for gaining new patients? 2.) Do you have a content game plan for attracting visitors? 3.) Do you optimize your content and have a local SEO strategy? 4.) Are you monitoring what people are saying about you online? 5.) Are you sharing your news and educating patients through social media? If you answered NO to any of the questions above,[...] Continue Reading
Incredible Marketing is attending the 34rd ASLMS Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona! Do you have an online marketing strategy for gaining new patients? Our web scientists be there to discuss how marketing your practice online can increase your visibility, attract new patients, and increase their return. Incredible Marketing is a full-service internet marketing firm specializing in SEO and Social Media, Mobile Websites, and Custom Web Design. We take a custom approach with each of our clients online marketing campaigns. Our goal[...] Continue Reading