Monthly Archives: December 2013
Truly INCREDIBLE brands that want to increase their online visibility will be investing in a social media marketing strategy in 2014 for lead generation, referral traffic, and revenue. Your customers are hanging out there, and you should be too! This past year has shown that social influence is on the RISE! Social media has made us change the way we think about SEO. Google has tweaked their algorithm in 2013 with the new Penguin and Panda updates to include social[...] Continue Reading
While design principles remain infinite, design trends are part of an endless cycle of constant evolution. Bad trends are often showered with popularity and ridicule while the good trends slide under the radar. With an equal mixture of reflection, prediction, and west coast IPA, we do our best to expose the five best design trends of 2014. Flat Design By no means is this a new trend for 2014, however we don’t see this trend changing anytime soon. Flat design[...] Continue Reading
The days of newspaper stands are behind us. 2014 will bring another gigantuan online shift with how people relate content to your brand and how stories are told. With content marketing being one of the most important changes for online marketers in 2014, an important facet of that will be HOW content is delivered. According to Forbes, “87% of connected device sales by 2017 will be tablets and smartphones.” Mobile content delivery is key. Mobile websites are not new, but they have[...] Continue Reading
The Incredible Marketing team has some exciting trends and predictions for online marketing in 2014! The internet is constantly changing and our department leaders have shared some valuable insight into what you should be doing to dominate your businesses online visibility in this digital revolution. This past year we’ve seen Google algorithm updates, the rise of social media marketing, and the importance of mobile. Check out more INCREDIBLE predictions in design, website development, social media, and SEO! Sound incredible? Well[...] Continue Reading
Google just recently announced that Google Places will now have a Reviews tab, which will allow business owners to see all their customer reviews in one place. Businesses will also be able to respond to the reviews directly from the new Reviews tab. Google said: “Today, we’re introducing Reviews in Google Places for Business. Now you can learn what your customers are saying about your business on Google and across the web, in one place. If you have a verified[...] Continue Reading