Category Archives: Print
While design principles remain infinite, design trends are part of an endless cycle of constant evolution. Bad trends are often showered with popularity and ridicule while the good trends slide under the radar. With an equal mixture of reflection, prediction, and west coast IPA, we do our best to expose the five best design trends of 2014. Flat Design By no means is this a new trend for 2014, however we don’t see this trend changing anytime soon. Flat design[...] Continue Reading
With any trend cycle, doing the opposite of what is popular can completely flip the script and become the next hot thing. In the past few years, web and UI design have experienced a transformation towards “flat design”. First off, what is it? Flat design omits the usual gradients, pixel perfect shadows, and skeuomorphism. Skeu-who, skeu-what?? Skeuomorphism is essentially a realistic digital representation of an object… make the object look like it would in real life just for ornamental reasons. For[...] Continue Reading
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This proverb has never been so true. We’re approaching a new, visually-consuming era and Facebook Timeline, Pinterest, and Instagram are at the forefront. More than ever, brands are being forced to think and act more visually. Beautifully-designed images can convey an idea or message without the need to even utter a word. The ability to speak and engage with your audience through imagery is key if you want to set yourself apart from[...] Continue Reading
Source: Marketing Renaissance If you know the basic format and proven techniques that are incorporated into every successful advertisement, writing a good print ad is not difficult. ADVERTISING COPY The first step in creating a good advertisement is to establish the appeal – the reason the reader will buy, or request more information. The four main appeals are; sex, which includes love, affection and friendship; greed, things money can buy; fear, fear of not getting what you want, or losing[...] Continue Reading
Source: Updated Dailey Business cards have been in use for decades. They provide a way to introduce new customers or clients to your business and remind current customers that you are ready to serve them. Business cards have always been an inexpensive way to market your business. They worked in the past and they still work today. These days, business cards are just as important as they’ve always been. Perhaps they’re even more important. Every business is feeling the effects[...] Continue Reading
Source: A successful marketing brochure has to do more than look good. It has to be a focal point to selling your product or your service. Content is what sells, so when you think about having a fancy brochure; make sure that you write it to be persuasive. A marketing brochure is sells material and it seems that some small businesses fail to realize that. A brochure says that your small business is here to compete in the marketplace,[...] Continue Reading
Source: Just Creative Design In this article I will guide you through the design process of creating a creative billboard campaign for a University project of mine with some tips along the way. Tips For Outdoor Advertising Before I get into the design process of the campaign I will share with you some tips I learnt during my research of designing for outdoor advertising. Product Identification – Your message / product should register quickly. Short Copy – Your message should[...] Continue Reading