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Monthly Archives: September 2013

Understanding Google’s Hummingbird Update Google has had numerous updates (Penguin, Panda, Caffeine) to their search algorithm over the past few years, but none quite like Hummingbird. September 27, 2013. A day to remember within the internet space. It marked the 15th birthday of Google, as well as the announcement of their new search algorithm update ‘Hummingbird’. Google hopes to advance the quality among the search results it spits out upon being queried. Amit Singhal, the Senior V.P. of Google, stated[...] Continue Reading

80% of online searches are healthcare related. How many searches do you think it takes for someone to find you? One of the ways people are searching online for healthcare professionals and health-related information is through social media. People are using social networking sites to seek medical information, discuss symptoms, treatments, procedures, and broadcast about their experiences with a particular healthcare provider or practice. You need an online marketing strategy that encompasses social media marketing to attract, engage, and convert[...] Continue Reading

If you are going to go social, you better do it right! Social Media is the new way of capturing people’s attention, engaging, and converting them into paying customers. People are more “brand aware” than ever before, and if you are not actively growing an audience online through social networks, you will begin to lose to your competition. It’s about getting people to know you and your business on a social level, what sets you apart, why you are cutting-edge,[...] Continue Reading

September 6th, 2013 Incredible Marketing Will Be Attending the XVII World Meeting of the International Union of Phlebology in Boston September 8-13, 2013. The International Union of Phlebology World Meeting is coming to the United States for the first time in its history and the INCREDIBLE’S will be exhibiting and presenting at the UIP about marketing vein practices online. The scientific and organizing committees of the American College of Phlebology have compiled the most comprehensive program addressing the full-spectrum of[...] Continue Reading

Have you noticed a difference in your search results since the Google Penguin update back in May 2013? There are new rules for SEO and now it is all about the user and content. This blog article will explain how to survive the next digital age and how to dominate search results through awesome content, engaging on social media networks, and earning backlinks as a recognizable industry leader. Google Penguin is changing the future of SEO and now heavily weighing[...] Continue Reading