Category Archives: Content Writing
Producing quality content on your blog or website is a key pillar of internet marketing and something we champion all the time. Now that we’re in a new year, let’s take a look at 5 key cornerstones for appealing to readers and growing your audience. Provide a Beautiful Reading Experience Design says a lot about the quality of a site. Much like the clothes you wear, the visual presentation of your blog will speak volumes to newcomers before they even[...] Continue Reading
Whether you realize it or not, your business tells a story. It’s telling one right now. All businesses tell stories. Not tales, or lies, but real stories. Stories tell your audience who you are, what you stand for, why your offer and the way you offer it deserves attention, and how your product or service will make us feel. Stories are the reason why some people drive a Mercedes over a Honda Civic, even though the Civic costs less, gets[...] Continue Reading
Facebook tabs are used to increase engagement and ‘LIKES’ on your Facebook fan page, capture your audience’s attention, and convert fans into customers. You have the power to transform your Facebook page into a mini-website! Ideally, your Facebook page should be optimized in such a way that your fans know what your business is all about and what sets you apart from your competition within a few minutes of visiting it. Many businesses are using Facebook tabs to create stronger[...] Continue Reading
Facebook is finally rolling out clickable hashtags like the other popular social networks Twitter, Google+, and Instagram! This is what it means for you and your business… WHAT IS A HASHTAG? A hashtag is a word or phrase with the symbol # in front of it. They are inserted inside a post to trend and attract more users to the virality or conversation of the hashtag. Hashtags are also used to help users find & follow other users of a[...] Continue Reading
DID YOU KNOW that blogging can improve your social media marketing and search engine rankings? Creating unique and engaging content can help boost your online marketing efforts, attract new customers, and brand you as an industry expert. Here are some tips to make your blog INCREDIBLE! 1.) Use Your Social Media Networks to Promote Your Blog Posts! It is important to maintain a good mix of industry news, fun posts, and self promotional status updates. When you are going to[...] Continue Reading
Did you know that 65% of physicians – YOUR COMPETITION – are ahead of the game by using social media marketing to attract new patients, engage with current ones, and to promote new services they offer? Check out this INCREDIBLE infographic that tells you how to ENGAGE + EDUCATE + CONNECT through social media!
#1 Misconception: Your customers aren’t using social media Social media was once dominated by teens and young adults, but this is changing. Ninety-three percent of adult internet users are on Facebook alone. People are not only using social networks, but are on them for extended periods of time. On average, people spend 4.6 hours a week on social sites. #2 Misconception: Social media is free Although joining social networks is free, establishing an effective social media presence is not. You[...] Continue Reading
If you put it bluntly, Social Media is a chore, and if you are going to do it right you need someone dedicated to spending time and resources to keep up with the fast past trends. Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering hiring a Social Media agency… Do we have the people in place to invest in Social Media? You will need to designate someone to be your community manager, content creator, and strategist. Also, does this[...] Continue Reading
Source: Miami Herald Split testing is a powerful direct marketing tool pioneered some 100 years ago but still in use today. This headline stopped me cold: “The Guaranteed Way to Radically Improve Your Copywriting.” I kept on reading “The best copywriters continue to radically improve their copy over time. They know how to create copy that works even when it defies common sense. They use split testing to radically improve their copy.” Split testing is one of those direct[...] Continue Reading
Source: Your business will thrive when social media tactics are worked properly. Social media will not help any business if the content is not tailored in a particular way to appease the crowds. There are several things to keep in mind when considering the most effective content to air through social networks. Here are tips and basics on how to; • Effective social media content is that which is designed for the right people. It is not enough coming[...] Continue Reading