Have you noticed a DECLINE in the reach your Facebook Page posts are receiving?
This is due to some updates that Facebook has made to their Edgerank Algorithm. What is it? According to Facebook, “The News Feed algorithm uses several factors to determine top stories, including the number of comments, who posted the story, and what kind of story it is (ex: photo, video, status update).” Facebook looks at about 100,000 highly personalized factors when determining what is shown. Here are just a few of them:
How popular was the post? (Likes, Comments, Shares, Clicks)
How recently was the post published?
How popular have the past post/updates been with your fans?
This means that the more popular your posts are, the more likely they will reach more viewers!
Facebook’s reasoning behind the fallen reach all boils down to “quality of posts”. Competition is fierce with the amount of brands and businesses joining each day, and EVERYONE wants their posts shown to their entire fan base. Their LIKE means they want to subscribe to your fan page updates, right? Yes, but the massive amounts of content being produced and shared is too much compared to what users can actually consume, and their efforts are focused on optimizing the user’s experiencing by selectively choosing what is showing in their personal news feed. Think of it this way… If you have a lot of Facebook friends and you like a lot of pages, you’re probably seeing up to 1500 posts in your news feed each day. If you have been using Facebook over a longer period of time, that number could be closer to 10,000! There is simply not enough time in a day for you to read through that many status updates, so organic reach per fan is going to naturally decline over time.
Facebook has been offering the option to PAY to BOOST your posts in order to reach more of your fan base and their friends that you can choose through targeting options. Of course Facebook will always be thinking of new ways to monetize themselves, but the question is, will my business have to “Pay to Play” to get results from marketing on Facebook?
Want to try and beat Facebook’s Edgerank Algorithm? Here are some tips and tricks from the Incredible Marketing Social Media Architects!
You have to #BeIncredible!
Incredible content will always get fans attention. If your content is exciting, personal, and SHARE WORTHY, your Facebook posts will continue to get fan engagement which will in turn help you stay at the top of the newsfeed! Before you post a status update, ask yourself this question: “Would I LIKE, SHARE, or COMMENT on this?” – Brittney Combs
TAG you’re IT
Tagging brands and companies related to your post broadens your audience reach. For example: @Restylane fillers are designed to restore and replace lost volume within the skin! By tagging Restylane’s Facebook page, not only will your post be shown to your own Facebook fans, but it will also be shown to Restylane’s Facebook fans as well! – Glory Fang
What’s your story?
Get personal with your fan base by consistently giving them a glimpse into the daily life at your practice. Take pictures of your team during birthdays and special events and share them on your Facebook page. When you use social media to connect with your fans on a personal level, they will learn your story and build a sense of loyalty to come back to you, or feel very welcomed to come in for the first time. – Mona Sharif
Building a community on Facebook will create loyal fans and brand ambassadors. Put more time and energy into interacting with your fans by answering their questions and “liking” their comments. Your fans will spread your message like wildfire through word-of-mouth marketing. – Stephanie Molfino
Do you have questions about marketing your business through social media? Contact our web scientists!
Incredible Marketing is a full-service internet marketing firm specializing in SEO and Social Media, Mobile Websites, and Custom Web Design. We take a custom approach with each of our clients online marketing campaigns. Our goal is to brand you as the industry leader, make you searchable online, and engaging through social media marketing.
Call us today 800-949-0133 or visit our website.