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If you are a smart and strategic business owner, you will listen to the following advice: If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page, you better get one fast! You customers are turning to Social Media to leverage their good and bad experiences with your brand. Get your offense ready!

Your customers are online, so shouldn’t you be too? Utilizing Social Media for good customer service is how you are going to build a team of brand ambassadors! A new study came out that happy customers who get their issues resolved tell an average of 4 to 6 people about their positive experience. How does this translate? Happy customer = brand ambassador. Not only will they help answer other peoples questions but they will share their positive experiences with others through word of mouth marketing! Directions:

  1. Quick Response- If an upset customer is posting on your Facebook wall or tweeting out their issue, they are wanting a quick response to their problem and you will want to provide a fast one too, news travels fast online! 25% want a response within 1 hour, so make sure you give a response promptly.
  2. Be Transparent- Good customer service through social media is being completely visible and out in the open. Even if there is a problem, you want your other customers to know that you will take care of them if need be. Show you care, show you want to help. Get others involved in the discussion so that you can understand your customer’s wants and needs to better accommodate them in the future. This will build a strong support system.
  3. Consistency is key- If the same question is being repeated make sure you stick to the same response. Don’t be all over the place; communicate a good solution across the board. You customer wants a consistent product, so provide consistent customer service to encourage brand loyalty.
  4. Keep your ducks in a row- The only way you can provide consistency is if you are organized. Social media is a full time job if you are going to do it right. Customers will feel turned off by your business if they sense that you are disorganized. If you are running Social media in house make sure everyone is on the same page and that you define clear roles in handling your Social Media presence. Give your team the tools to help your customers.
  5. Your customers don’t want to talk to a machine- Customer service should remain as human as possible. Even though you are talking online, don’t sound robotic. Make your customers feel like they are a priority by responding to their questions, staying interactive with them, and in return they will want to share with their friends their positive experience with your business.