Understanding Google’s Hummingbird Update
Google has had numerous updates (Penguin, Panda, Caffeine) to their search algorithm over the past few years, but none quite like Hummingbird.
September 27, 2013. A day to remember within the internet space. It marked the 15th birthday of Google, as well as the announcement of their new search algorithm update ‘Hummingbird’. Google hopes to advance the quality among the search results it spits out upon being queried.
Amit Singhal, the Senior V.P. of Google, stated “This is the largest algorithm update in three years, the last update was three years before the caffeine plan. The Hummingbird update can make use of more complex search requests and has a better understanding of the concept of human language, rather than a few scattered words. This new algorithm is a big step forward in the Internet history as searches will be more ‘human friendly’ then ever.”
To learn more about the Google Hummingbird update, watch the video below…
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