Incredible Marketing- Facebook: Worth It, or a Waste of Time?
January 1, 2010
Do you cringe when you hear the name “Facebook”? This is the biggest social networking website on the internet today, but its name has been haunted in the business world as “immature”. There may be some truth in this, but the question at hand is, is Facebook worth it or a waste of my time? In my opinion, the answer is very simple. YES. But, I am in the online marketing business, so my opinion may be a tad skewed. So, let me convince you…
Why You & Your Business Should be on Facebook: As of 2010, the social networking giant known as Facebook, is currently ranked the 2nd most popular website on the internet. Let’s think about that for a moment. This means a social networking website is more popular than web icons such as: Youtube, Yahoo, Windows Live, Wikipedia, MSN, Amazon, Craigslist, etc. But, that is just a small pinch of the web. Keep in mind there are over 81,000,000 web sites on the internet today. Facebook ranks #2 (only behind Google). Still not convinced? Facebook is free. Where else do you have access to promote and network with others on a scale such as Facebook’s and do it all for free? You don’t.
Conclusion: If you are a business owner, get on Facebook. Create your personal profile and then create a business fan page. You can only create a business fan page once you have created a personal Facebook account. Monetize your business fan page! Include your phone number, your website url, your address, your genre and products, etc. Upload photos, testimonials, etc. Pretty much anything will help you capture a lead or make someone want to add you. A good way of enticing potential clients is by promoting a special. Get creative! Put your admin or webmaster on it, but keep your eye on them. Facebook will in one or another be your face within the online community, you want to make sure you are being branded as you see fit.
Creative Ways of Using Facebook: If you are an online entrepreneur looking to capitalize on using Facebook (or Twitter), here’s an INCREDIBLE option I learned last year. Because Facebook allows pretty much anyone to create “fan pages”, you can use that to your advantage. Start by picking your topic, but make sure it is going to popular and searched within Facebook. For example, let’s use “Spiderman 4” the movie. This movie is still in talks and hasn’t even begun production yet, but it is common knowledge that a movie such as this has a HUGE fan base. Anything with a huge fan base is great, because that means there will be a lot of searching on Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you are one of the first to create a Facebook fan page for “Spiderman 4” and keep your page relevant and intriguing, the number of fans you could potentially capture is ridiculous. Then by setting up an SEO friendly website using WordPress, you can tie your facebook and website as one. Besides making money from running ads on your site and selling links, the entire point from a business aspect of Facebook and Twitter is having a voice. If you can post something knowing that over 50,000 (or maybe just 100) people may read your post, that is quite a lot of power. In essence, it is the new full page classified in the newspaper.
Incredible Marketing, Inc. is a world-class organization who specializes in marketing strategies. Their clients utilize the most robust knowledge of the industry to create and execute marketing campaigns, ranging from Internet Marketing (Web Development, Search Engine Optimization), to Corporate Identity packages (Logo, and brochure designs). Other services Incredible Marketing provide include e-mail marketing, database systems for online shopping carts, as well as general marketing consulting.