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The days of newspaper stands are behind us.

2014 will bring another gigantuan online shift with how people relate content to your brand and how stories are told. With content marketing being one of the most important changes for online marketers in 2014, an important facet of that will be HOW content is delivered. According to Forbes, “87% of connected device sales by 2017 will be tablets and smartphones.” Mobile content delivery is key.

Mobile websites are not new, but they have been slowly adopted – and often not adopted very well. It’s no longer about just having a truncated mobile version of your website – one where you only transfer 10% of your content to the mobile site. If you want to succeed in delivering your content, you need to ensure your website is mobile friendly and all the content you’re putting out there is easily viewed via mobile devices. This includes your galleries, your videos, your blogs and all of the content in between.

With responsive design, and well developed mobile websites, there are a plethora of tools available to ensuring a positive user experience which ultimately streamlines how content is delivered and shared.

Let’s face it – with current trends the way they are, in 2014 you can expect a well executed marketing campaign to send over 60% of your online traffic to you via mobile devices. With content marketing being a major focus, you better make sure all your content is mobile friendly, otherwise you’re not getting the full benefit.

Incredible Marketing is a full-service internet marketing firm specializing in SEO and Social Media, Mobile Websites, and Custom Web Design. You can be Incredible too! Call us at 800-949-0133 or visit our website!