Category Archives: SEM
Facebook is finally rolling out clickable hashtags like the other popular social networks Twitter, Google+, and Instagram! This is what it means for you and your business… WHAT IS A HASHTAG? A hashtag is a word or phrase with the symbol # in front of it. They are inserted inside a post to trend and attract more users to the virality or conversation of the hashtag. Hashtags are also used to help users find & follow other users of a[...] Continue Reading
The best defense is a strong offense! Websites, SEO and Social Media are major marketing tools that practices are using to find, engage, and bring patients through their doors. Your new-potential patients are taking to the web to find doctors in their area with a good rep and fair price. What you might not know is that people are also talking, rating, and reviewing you online. Don’t you want to be a part of that conversation? 80% of all searches[...] Continue Reading
DID YOU KNOW that blogging can improve your social media marketing and search engine rankings? Creating unique and engaging content can help boost your online marketing efforts, attract new customers, and brand you as an industry expert. Here are some tips to make your blog INCREDIBLE! 1.) Use Your Social Media Networks to Promote Your Blog Posts! It is important to maintain a good mix of industry news, fun posts, and self promotional status updates. When you are going to[...] Continue Reading
Social media marketing is a time consuming task, but it is extremely important in maintaining an online presence, monitoring the conversations about your brand or business online and to bring in new customers! Social media now even affects your SEO results. Many marketers have been debating whether or not Google+ is a waste of time and a desolate ghost town, and if all efforts should be towards building your Facebook business page instead. We took the time to compare the[...] Continue Reading
The social media juggernaut is getting into the search engine world. This would be a huge step for Facebook to take. Currently, their network is funded by a digital ad platform, one that I believe to be better than Google’s. To shift focus from their bread and butter to search is a crazy move. This would be another platform and grand audience for companies and marketers to implement. But, it will also be a new platform to learn, test and[...] Continue Reading
A lower court’s ruling that declared Google to have violated trade laws with their allowance of AdWords purchasing has been overturned by a higher court. Google won a historic lawsuit against the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) in which they were found to not be directly responsible for misleading any of the advertising it had on its website. All five judges of the Australian High Court unanimously ruled that Google didn’t break any of Australia’s trade laws when they[...] Continue Reading
At 1:07 EST on Tuesday January 15, Mark Zuckerburg stood in front of more than 120 bloggers and reporters to announce Facebook’s newest platform – graph search. Graph search will allow users to search photos, interests and places of people who have shared content with you. Zuckerburg explained that graph search will have privacy settings so that friends can take down embarrassing photos of you or you can untag yourself from pictures. Zuckerburg made a point to say, “what is[...] Continue Reading
Did you know that 65% of physicians – YOUR COMPETITION – are ahead of the game by using social media marketing to attract new patients, engage with current ones, and to promote new services they offer? Check out this INCREDIBLE infographic that tells you how to ENGAGE + EDUCATE + CONNECT through social media!
Did you know that 8 million Americans are looking for medical information on the internet every single day? If they were to search for a specific treatment or procedure in their area, could they find you? Check out our latest infographic that breaks down why medical practices need an online marketing strategy for gaining new patients in an ever-growing competitive market. Check out the infographic below!
“We’ve detected that some of the links pointing to your site are using techniques outside Google’s Webmaster Guidelines…” Receiving this notification from Google can be unnerving. In the past this message was sent to signify that Google was taking action against your entire site – in the worst of circumstances, invoking the dreaded banhammer. After such a blow, the road to redemption was paved with tedious link removal then submitting a reconsideration request. Depending on how savvy you are about[...] Continue Reading